Activity evaluation of the cross-disciplinary committee for the care of patients with palate fissures


  • Clara García Bastida MD Residente en ORL en el hospital universitario de Santiago de Compostela
  • María Martín Bailón Otorrinolaringología Santiago de Compostela Residente
  • Ana Faraldo García Otorrinolaringología Santiago de Compostela Residente
  • José María García Rielo Otorrinolaringología Santiago de Compostela Residente
  • Roberto Méndez Gallart Otorrinolaringología Santiago de Compostela Residente



Lip and palate fissure, cross-disciplinary approach, committee


Goals: To analyse the advances made by the palate fissure Committee and get epidemiological data of patients with fissures.

Study design: Descriptive, retrospective and watching study where 54 patients belonging to “Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela” taken from the data base from june 2013 to January 2015 are included.

Material and methods: The analysis of the activities carried out by the committee founded in june in 2013 and made up of several specialists and the study of a number of variables such as, age, sex, kind of fissure…etc of patient sample.

Results: 54 patients, 39 men and 15 women. 18’52% shows lip fissure, 38’89% unilateral lip and palate fissure, 12’96% bilateral lip and palate fissure, 3’7% bilateral palate fissure and 25’92% unilateral palate fissure.

Conclusion: Cross-disciplinary approach is esential to optimize diagnostic and therapeutical resources. Furthermore, it helps to carry out an early treatment of the associated patology.


Short title: Cross-disciplinary approach of palate fissures.

Author Biography

Clara García Bastida, MD Residente en ORL en el hospital universitario de Santiago de Compostela

Otorrinolaringología Santiago de Compostela Residente


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How to Cite

Bastida, C. G., Bailón, M. M., García, A. F., Rielo, J. M. G., & Gallart, R. M. (2016). Activity evaluation of the cross-disciplinary committee for the care of patients with palate fissures. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 53(4), 215–219.



Original Article