Facial palsy: Report of rare disease


  • Marlene Rodrigues Interna de Formação Específica em Pediatria, Hospital de Braga
  • Nuno Marçal Assistente Hospitalar de Otorrinolaringologia, Hospital de Braga
  • Helena Silva Assistente Hospitalar de Pediatria, Hospital de Braga




facial palsy, cholesteatoma, congenital, middle ear, pediatric


Peripheral facial palsy is a frequent entity, including in pediatric age group. In most cases the etiology is unknown, so Bell’s palsy is the most common diagnosis. Cholesteatomas are rare causes of facial palsy, and congenital cholesteatomas represent a very small percentage in the set of several possible causes.

Cholesteatomas, although histologically benign, present destructive characteristics and can lead to bone lysis, resulting in serious complications if not diagnosed early. This article describes the case of a child diagnosed with facial palsy caused by a cholesteatoma, whose suspected etiological and timely investigation, allowed appropriate treatment, with recovery of neurological deficit, avoiding future complications and more serious implications in patient life quality.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, M., Marçal, N., & Silva, H. (2015). Facial palsy: Report of rare disease. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 53(2), 133–135. https://doi.org/10.34631/sporl.588



Case Report