Vocal fold parilysis: 8 years' experience in Centro Hospitalar do Porto


  • Ana Costa Pereira da Silva Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Sara Sena Esteves Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Susana Vaz Freitas
  • Telma Feliciano Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Cecília Almeida e Sousa Centro Hospitalar do Porto




vocal cord paralysis, maximum phonation time, speech therapy


Introduction: Vocal cord paralysis is associated with significant morbidity because it interferes with breathing, phonation, swallowing and coughing. This study aims to evaluate the functional results of speech therapy in these patients.

Methods: This study included adult patients with vocal cord paralysis submitted to speech therapy as an isolated treatment between June 2006 and June 2014. Demographic data, paralysis etiology, laryngoscopy and maximum phonation time before and after treatment were registered.

Results: The majority of the 70 patients included in this study had a postoperative unilateral vocal cord paralysis. After performing speech therapy there was an increase on average maximum phonation time for all sounds and an approximation of the s/z coefficient to the reference value 1.

Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that speech therapy as an isolated treatment in patients with vocal cord paralysis objectively improves their glottal function.

Author Biography

Ana Costa Pereira da Silva, Centro Hospitalar do Porto

Interna de 5º ano de ORL no Centro Hospitalar do Porto


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How to Cite

Costa Pereira da Silva, A., Sena Esteves, S., Vaz Freitas, S., Feliciano, T., & Almeida e Sousa, C. (2017). Vocal fold parilysis: 8 years’ experience in Centro Hospitalar do Porto. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 54(3), 169–173. https://doi.org/10.34631/sporl.363