Ossicular chain reconstruction with titanium prostheses - Review of 35 cases


  • José Marques dos Santos Médico ORL, Coordenador Serviço ORL Hospital CUF Viseu
  • Filipe Nunes Rodrigues Médico ORL Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal




titanium prostheses, surgical reconstruction, middle ear


Introduction: reconstructing the ossicular chain is a challenging act for the otologist. The material to be used must be biocompatible, easy to manipulate and have certain biomechanical properties. Titanium prostheses, with a low weight, high rigidity and good mechanical strength, allow for good acoustic transmission.

Objective: to discuss the benefits of using these prostheses in different surgical scenarios.

Material and methods: retrospective study of 35 cases operated by the same surgeon involving reconstruction of the middle ear with titanium prostheses.

Results: in 13 cases, PORP was used, achieving a postoperative air-bone gap of less than 20dB in 85% of patients. In the remaining 22, TORP was used, with a success rate of 68%.

Conclusion: titanium prostheses are an excellent option when it is necessary to reestablish the continuity of the ossicular chain. Their different shapes and sizes allow for its application in a wide variety of clinical situations.


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How to Cite

Marques dos Santos, J., & Nunes Rodrigues, F. (2021). Ossicular chain reconstruction with titanium prostheses - Review of 35 cases. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 59(4), 369–374. https://doi.org/10.34631/sporl.999



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