Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence – An Otologic Impersonator


  • André Carção Serviço Otorrinolaringologia – Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal
  • Joana Borges Costa Serviço Otorrinolaringologia – Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal
  • Diogo Abreu Pereira Serviço Otorrinolaringologia – Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal
  • Delfim Duarte Serviço Otorrinolaringologia – Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal
  • Marta Neves Serviço Otorrinolaringologia – Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal
  • Paula Azevedo Serviço Otorrinolaringologia – Hospital Pedro Hispano, Portugal



Dehiscence, Superior Semicircular Canal, Audiogram, Acoustic Reflexes


Objectives: to identify common clinical characteristics in patients with superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD)in order to increase the diagnostic suspicion of this recently described clinical entity.

Materials and Methods: a retrospective analysis was carried out between 2016 and 2019 and 5 cases were analyzed, corresponding to 8 ears with SSCD, analyzing the accompanying symptoms. The diagnosis of dehiscence was established through computed tomography (CT) of the temporal bone.

Results: Hearing loss was the major complaint being common to all patients. In the 8 ears analyzed, there was a predominance of conduction hearing loss in frequencies below 1000Hz with normal impedance audiometry.

Conclusions: the recognition of these patients, with a third non-physiological window in the bony lining of the superior semicircular canal, makes possible a differential diagnosis that explains a conduction or mixed hearing loss with acoustic reflexes present, thus preventing errors in diagnosis and unnecessary surgery.


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How to Cite

Carção, A., Costa, J. B., Abreu Pereira, D., Duarte, D., Neves, M., & Azevedo, P. (2021). Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence – An Otologic Impersonator. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 59(3), 267–271.



Original Article