Eustachian tube function and results obtained after type I tympanoplasty




tube, tubomanometry, chronic otitis media, type I tympanoplasty


Purpose: Evaluate the relation between Eustachian Tube (ET) function and type I tympanoplasty success.

Methods: Cohort study with 2 groups of patients with relapse and non-relapse simple chronic otitis media (SCOM), who underwent type I tympanoplasty in our institution between 2013 January and 2015 August. ET function was accessed by tubomanometry and the results were expressed by R value (ET opening latency index), being related with tympanic membrane integrity.

Results: The average of R value was 1,4 in relapse and 0,4 in non-relapse groups. We found a significant statistic relation between R value in each group and also between ET dysfunction and SCOM relapse; χ2(4) = 23.5, p<0,05.

Conclusion: There is a statistic relationship between ET dysfunction and SCOM relapse after type I tympanoplasty.


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How to Cite

Pinto Silva, D. (2018). Eustachian tube function and results obtained after type I tympanoplasty. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 55(3), 127–131.