Thyroidectomy - A single-center experience over 5 years


  • Filipe Nunes Rodrigues Interno de Formação Específica de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Magda Rocha Interna de Formação Específica de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Sofia Sousa Interna de Formação Específica de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Vera Soares Assistente Hospitalar do Serviço de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Canas Marques Chefe de Serviço de CMF - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Marques dos Santos Diretor do Serviço de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV



Thyroidectomy, surgical complications


Introduction: the indication for thyroid surgery is mainly due to the existence or suspicion of malignancy, cases of compressive goiter and, unfrequently, other benign conditions.

Methods: retrospective review of the medical records of patients that underwent thyroid surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of São Teotónio´s Hospital between the years of 2010 and 2014. Demographic variables, indications for surgery, surgical technique and frequency of surgical complications were analyzed.

Results: during five years, 38 thyroidectomys were registered - 29 total thyroidectomys, seven partial thyroidectomys and two thyroidectomy totalizations. 92% of these procedures were performed on an outpatient basis. Three patients developed transient postoperative hypocalcemia that required medical treatment. No other complications were recorded.

Conclusions: thyroidectomy is currently a safe surgical intervention and it is associated with a low morbidity rate.


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How to Cite

Nunes Rodrigues, F., Rocha, M., Sousa, S., Soares, V., Marques, C., & dos Santos, M. (2016). Thyroidectomy - A single-center experience over 5 years. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 54(1), 51–53.


