Audiometric thresholds and speech perception evaluation in elderly patients wearing cochlear implants


  • Mariana D. C. Ferreira Santos ENT Doctor, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Alexandre Caixeta Guimarães ENT Doctor, MD, Otologist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Henrique Furlan Pauna ENT Doctor, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Silvia Baddur Curi Audiologist, Cochlear Implant Specialist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Daniele Jerônymo Audiologist, Cochlear Implant Specialist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Walter Adriano Bianchini ENT Doctor, MD, Otologist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Paulo Catanhede Porto ENT Doctor, MD, Otologist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Agrício Nubiato Crespo Audiologist, Cochlear Implant Specialist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil
  • Guilherme Machado de Carvalho ENT Doctor, MD, Otologist, UNICAMP - São Paulo, Brazil



cochlear implants, elderly, audiometric thresholds


Objective: To compare the mean audiometric thresholds and the results of the speech perception test (SPT), between two groups with bilateral post-lingual severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss.

Material and Methods: A retrospective and analytical study, which compared the audiometric thresholds of 50 patients (under 60 and above 60 years old) implanted between May / 2002 and February / 2007.

Results: First group included 42 patients with a mean age of 44.6 years. The audiometric average threshold value was 26.98 dB, and the average value of the SPT was 88%.The second group included 8 patients, with a mean age of 66.7 years. This group had a mean audiometric threshold of 27.26 dB and the average value of SPT was 76.25%. No differences were observed between the audiometric threshold and the SPT of the two groups (p> 0.05).

Conclusion: The average audiometric thresholds and SPT are no different when comparing both groups.


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How to Cite

D. C. Ferreira Santos, M., Caixeta Guimarães, A., Furlan Pauna, H., Baddur Curi, S., Jerônymo, D., Bianchini, W. A., Catanhede Porto, P., Nubiato Crespo, A., & Machado de Carvalho, G. (2015). Audiometric thresholds and speech perception evaluation in elderly patients wearing cochlear implants. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 53(2), 77–80.



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