Deep neck spaces: Their discriptive anatomy and clinical relevance


  • Cristiana Coimbra Interna de ORL no CHVNGE
  • Edite Ferreira Coimbra Assistente graduada de ORL no CHVNGE
  • Artur Condé Diretor do serviço de ORL do CHVNGE



cervical fascias, supra hyoid spaces, infra hyoid spaces, parapharyngeal space, danger space, retropharyngeal space


The numerous structures that run across the neck and their huge value make the neck a high complex anatomical body part. Its anatomical and clinical study is demanding and can be made in several different ways. In this paper we describe the cervical fascias and the respective spaces they define, establishing the relationship between the anatomy and the clinical findings/ pathology.


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How to Cite

Coimbra, C., Ferreira Coimbra, E., & Condé, A. (2015). Deep neck spaces: Their discriptive anatomy and clinical relevance. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 53(2), 127–132.


