Swine model for experimental neck surgery


  • João Barosa Interno ORL - Serviço ORL HUC CHUC
  • Clara Silva Interna ORL - Serviço ORL HUC CHUC
  • Natércia Silvestre Interna ORL - Serviço ORL HUC CHUC
  • Henrique Alexandrino Assistente hospitalar Cirurgia Geral - Serviço Cirurgia A HUC CHUC
  • Carlos Mesquita Assistente hospitalar graduado Cirurgia Geral - Serviço Cirurgia A HUC CHUC
  • João Ribeiro Assistente hospitalar ORL - Serviço ORL HUC CHUC
  • Pedro Tomé Assistente hospitalar graduado ORL - Serviço ORL HUC CHUC
  • António Paiva Diretor de serviço ORL - Serviço ORL HUC CHUC




neck dissection, swine model


Objectives - Study the swine neck surgery model.

Study design - Descriptive study.

Materials and methods - Systematic literature search of articles (published between 2000 and 2011) using as key terms “swine”, “porcine” and surgery”. Neck dissection in porcine models. Cervical surgical techniques were planned: tracheotomy, classical cordectomy, partial and total laringectomy, partial and total glossectomy, thymectomy, partial and total thyroidectomy, parotidectomy, resection of the common carotid artery and end to end anastomosis and cervical esophagectomy.

Results - Planned surgeries were executed.

Conclusions - The swine model is valid for training in neck surgery.


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How to Cite

Barosa, J., Silva, C., Silvestre, N., Alexandrino, H., Mesquita, C., Ribeiro, J., Tomé, P., & Paiva, A. (2014). Swine model for experimental neck surgery. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 52(4), 199–203. https://doi.org/10.34631/sporl.434



Original Article