Frontal sinus carcinoma


  • Filipe Nunes Rodrigues Interno de formação específica de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Vera Soares Assistente Hospitalar do Serviço de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Canas Marques Chefe de Serviço de CMF - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Raul Amaral Assistente Graduado de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • Magda Rocha Interna de Formação Específicifica de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV
  • José Marques dos Santos Diretor do Serviço de ORL - Serviço de ORL/CMF do Hospital de São Teotónio - CHTV



Carcinoma, Frontal sinus, Microvascularized free flap


Frontal sinus carcinoma is a rare and locally aggressive tumour. It is often diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease. This fact combined with the anatomical complexity of the region makes the therapeutic approach with curative intent complex and challenging. 

This is a case report of a 55 year old male diagnosed with frontal sinus carcinoma extending into the the upper quadrants of the orbit and the dura mater. The patient underwent a broad tumural resection and reconstruction with duraplasty, cranioplasty and a microvascularized free flap, followed by chemoradiotherapy. 

The 1 year postoperative follow-up showed no clinical or radiological signs of local recurrence or distant metastases.


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How to Cite

Nunes Rodrigues, F., Soares, V., Marques, C., Amaral, R., Rocha, M., & Marques dos Santos, J. (2014). Frontal sinus carcinoma. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 52(4), 243–246.



Case Report