Endo-extra laryngeal suture: Indications, technique and results - Beyond laryngeal paralysis


  • Teresa Bernardo Interno ORL – CHVNG/ E. EPE
  • Eugénia Castro Assistente Graduado ORL – CHVNG/ E.EPE
  • Raquel Robles Interno ORL – CHVNG/ E. EPE
  • Diamantino Helena Assistente Graduado ORL – CHVNG/ E.EPE
  • Mário Giesteira Chefe de Serviço ORL – CHVNG/ E. EPE
  • Artur Condé Chefe de Serviço ORL, Director de Serviço – CHVNG/ E.EPE




endo-extralaryngeal suture, bilateral vocal fold paralysis, laryngeal respiratory dystonia glottic stenosis


The reversible endo-extralaryngeal suture (REELS) is a surgical technique that allows increasing the glottal lumen. The authors present the Service´s experience with regard to indications, technique and results of REELS based on a retrospective study. We describe 10 patients, all female, seven with bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) after total thyroidectomy, two with laryngeal respiratory dystonia (LRD) and one with glottic stenosis (GS) due radiotherapy for glottic carcinoma. The ventilation improvement was immediate in all patients. Voice quality worsened initially but gradually recovered for most of them. We did not observe any choking or aspiration episodes. 

The REELS has good results for BVFP and in patients with LRD and GS. 



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How to Cite

Bernardo, T., Castro, E., Robles, R., Helena, D., Giesteira, M., & Condé, A. (2014). Endo-extra laryngeal suture: Indications, technique and results - Beyond laryngeal paralysis. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 52(2), 67–71. https://doi.org/10.34631/sporl.457



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