Reconstrução circunferencial da traqueia com tecidos autólogos
tracheal reconstruction, circumferential tracheal defect, tracheal stenosisAbstract
Objectives: To report the long term results of a new surgical technique: a free prefabricated forearm flap for total reconstruction of the trachea.
Study Design: Retrospective study from 2003 to 2008.
Material and Methods: Five patients carrying long tracheal defects not ameanable for conventional techniques, all tracheostomy-dependent, were operated on: reconstruction of a neo-trachea with a totally autologous cutaneo-chondromucous free flap from the forearm transferred to the neck.
Results: The immediate decannulation was obtained in all patients. The final result was good in all of them, with no dispnea or respiratory distress, with a good voice and a normal returning to their daily activities.
Conclusions: A reliable and reproducible totally autologous free prefabricated cutaneous-chondro-mucosal forearm tubular flap can successfully provide for a well tolerated tracheal reconstruction achieving all the Belsey criteria. It has good long term results and should be applied for the resolution of extensive laryngotracheal defects not amenable to being cured by conventional techniques.
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