Tonsillar metastasis of a lower limb pleomorphic sarcoma
Tonsillar metastatic tumors, lower limb sarcomaAbstract
Tonsillar tumors are rare (1.45 per 100000) and mostly primary, usually of epithelial or lymphoproliferative origin. However, 0.8% are metastatic. The majority of the 100 cases found in the literature refers to lung, breast and renal cancer and melanoma, with no report of a lower limb sarcoma metastasis so far. This article describes a case of a 72-yearsold woman, with hypertrophy, induration and ulceration of the right palatine tonsil. Tonsillectomy led to the diagnosis of a pleomorphic sarcoma. The primary lesion, in the left thigh, had been diagnosed two years earlier. A small minority of tonsillar tumors is metastatic. Metastization from a lower limb sarcoma to the tonsil was not reported in literature but, as in other histologic types, occurred in a late stage of the disease with a poor prognosis.
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