Repair of the nasal septum perforation: Surgical strategy


  • Teresa Oliveira Matos Interna de Formação Específica do Serviço de ORL II do CHLN, Hospital Pulido Valente, Lisboa
  • Pedro Ângelo Interno de Formação Específica do Serviço de ORL II do CHLN, Hospital Pulido Valente, Lisboa
  • João Subtil Assistente Hospitalar do Serviço de ORL II do CHLN, Hospital Pulido Valente, Lisboa
  • Paulo Borges Dinis Assistente Graduado do Serviço de ORL II do CHLN, Hospital Pulido Valente, Lisboa



Septum Perforation, Local Mucosal Grafts, Nasal Endoscopy


A nasal septum perforation is an abnormal communication between the right and left nasal cavities resulting from a complete loss of septal cartilage and/or bone and its overlaying mucoperichondrium/ mucoperiosteum on both septal sides. Prior septal surgery is, perhaps, the most common etiology in the Western World and, depending on its size and location, the absence of symptoms is frequent. More than 40 conflicting techniques are described in the literature for its surgical repair, with success rates from 40 to 95%. We discuss the advantages of using local composite grafts, with cartilage grafts and mucosal rotation flaps, under endoscopic visualization, for the closure of symptomatic septal perforations larger than 2cm.


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How to Cite

Matos, T. O., Ângelo, P., Subtil, J., & Dinis, P. B. (2013). Repair of the nasal septum perforation: Surgical strategy. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 51(1), 39–44.



Case Report