Evidence-based practice - What do we know after 1000 dysphonic adults?
vocal pathologies, risk factors, predictorsAbstract
Objective: Identify the predictive variables (socio-demographic, vocal behavior, habits, personal history and signs / symptoms) of vocal pathology.
Materials and Methods: Epidemiological study of 1000 dysphonic adults, of any degree and etiology, randomly selected through anamnesis, perceptual evaluation, Voice Handicap Index (VHI), clinical inventory of self-concept and self-scale evaluation of significant events in life (SRRS). The inclusion criteria considered for the dysphonic group were age over 18 years. We collected the data of socio-demographic, personal history, vocal behaviors, habits and signs/symptoms for a total of five factors and forty-seven variables in the analysis. For the purposes of predictive benchmark a group of 50 adults with no history of dysphonia was created and collected from friends and relatives.
Results: All factors present a highly significant contribution (p=0.00) to the vocal pathologies studied. Factors of vocal behavior and habits contribute significantly (p=0.00) for both benign and malignant vocal fold disease.
Conclusion: There is evidence for the need of health professionals to provide guidance through either primary prevention or secondary prevention in a more broader sense in relation to concerns to risktaking behaviors.
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