Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children - Hearing Aids vs Cochlear Implant
Hearing aids, coclear implant, auditory rehabilitation in children, sensorineural deafness in childrenAbstract
For over 25 years, the ENT department of Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra (CHC) develops a specific expertise in the evaluation of children with neurosensorial deafness. There are therefore experimented protocols of procedures, particularly regarding the definition of rehabilitation strategies of oral verbal language in pre-lingual children with external or endocochlear prostheses.
This work was intended to establish methods of approach in children with neurosensorial deafness and identify rules and difficulties in prosthetic adaptation in children. Based on these objectives, we reviewed the literature on hearing aids / cochlear implants adaptation in children with hearing loss, described the studied population, the results obtained - using tests, some of them validated in the ENT department of CHC - and difficulties encountered.
It is intended to make a contribution in this area and point out doubts and difficulties in order to share experiences with other departments for a further improvement in the management of such clinical situations.
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