The effectiveness of intervention by speech therapy in vocal fold paralysis: Objective assessment
vocal cord paralysis, voice disorders, Speech Therapy, assessment of voice, acoustic analysisAbstract
Objective: To analyze the results achieved by a group of patients with vocal fold paralysis using objective assessment measures before and after intervention of Speech Therapy.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of the results obtained by a group of 38 patients with vocal cord paralysis underwent intervention by Speech Therapy at a Central Hospital.
Results: The type of paralysis was variable and the majority of subjects had unilateral paralysis in paramedian position. Differences in performance parameters of jitter, shimmer and NNE were significant (p <0.05).The average number of sessions needed was 13.29 ± 7.95.
Conclusions: Speech Therapy intervention in cases of vocal fold paralysis started early is effective and avoided surgical procedures, since they have significant improvements in voice quality with therapeutic intervention.
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