Laryngeal hematoma caused by persistent cough in patient with hemophilia A – Case report


  • Rudolfo Montemor Interno do Serviço de ORL do Hospital de S. José, Portugal
  • Araújo Martins Interno do Serviço de ORL do Hospital de S. José, Portugal
  • Sónia Pereira Interna do Serviço de ORL do Hospital de S. José, Portugal
  • Cristóvão Ribeiro Assistente Hospitalar Graduado de ORL do Hospital de S. José, Portugal
  • Luís Marques Pinto Chefe de Serviço de ORL do Hospital de S. José, Portugal
  • Ezequiel Barros Director do Serviço de ORL do Hospital de S. José, Portugal



Laryngeal hematoma, hemophilia A, persistent cough, conservative management


The laryngeal hematoma is a rare event in patients with hemophilia A that may compromise the airway and is usually associated with persistent cough as a result of a respiratory infection. If there is clinical stability, the treatment of the relying cause, the cough abolition, the reposition of the clotting factors and a tight surveillance are enough for the disappearing of the hematoma and normalization of the airway, without need of intubation or surgical procedure. The authors present a case report of a patient with factor VIII deficiency and with factor VIII inhibitors treated with a conservative management with progressive resolution of the symptoms.


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How to Cite

Montemor, R., Martins, A., Pereira, S., Ribeiro, C., Pinto, L. M., & Barros, E. (2012). Laryngeal hematoma caused by persistent cough in patient with hemophilia A – Case report. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 50(3), 265–267.



Case Report