Functional results: Titanium prosthesis versus autologous bone
chronic otitis media, titanium prosthesis, ossiculoplastyAbstract
Introduction: Functional rehabilitation with hearing improvement in chronic otitis media (COM) is a surgical challenge. The purpose of this study is to analyze the audiometric outcomes of ossicular reconstruction with titanium prosthesis versus shaped autologous bone.
Material and Methods: Retrospective review was performed for the period from October 2008 to July 2010 analyzing the audiometric results of ossiculoplasty with titanium prosthesis (n=21) against ossicular or cortical bone interpositions (n=38).
Results and conclusions: There was a decrease of 11,9 dB in air-bone gap (ABG) and a difference of 13,7 dB in pure tone average (PTA) when titanium prosthesis were used. The ABG decreased 3,9 dB and the PTA 6,8 dB when ossicles or cortical bone were used in the reconstruction. Comparison data revealed better results in the first group both in ABG (p=0,0306) as in PTA (p=0,0380). The audiometric gains with titanium prosthesis were similar to other reports and superior to the results obtained with autologous material.
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