CO2 laser surgery for the treatment of glottic cancer


  • Alexandra Jerónimo Interna do Internato Complementar do Serviço de ORL do Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central (CHLC): Hospital de São José, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Pedro Cavilhas Interno do Internato Complementar do Serviço de ORL do CHLO: Hospital de Egas Moniz (HEM), Lisboa, Portugal
  • Luís Oliveira Assistente Hospitalar Graduado do Serviço de ORL do IPOFG, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Pedro Montalvão Assistente Hospitalar Graduado do Serviço de ORL do IPOFG, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Miguel Magalhães Chefe de Serviço e Director do Serviço de ORL do IPOFG, Lisboa, Portugal



glottic cancer, transoral CO2 laser microsurgery, anterior commissure, margin status


Introduction: Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) can be
considered a valid alternative in the treatment of glottic

Matherial and Methods: Retrospective study, considering all
patients treated with TLM, from January 2000 to December
2005. Patients were considered for the present study if they
underwent laser surgery as primary treatment of glottic

Results: 45 patients: CIS (n=9), T1a (n=29), T1b (n=5), T2
(n=1), T3 (n=1). The mean duration of follow-up was 63,3
months. The rate of global local recurrence was 22,2%, with
the anterior commissure involvement being responsible for
40% of the recurrences. The 5-year overall survival and the
5-year disease-free survival were 82,2%, and the laryngeal
preservation rate was 89,2%.

Conclusion: This study supports the role of TLM in treating
early-stage glottic cancer. The highest recurrence rates occur
with positive margins and anterior commissure involvement.
Advanced glottic cancers are not a consensual indication for
laser surgery, usually with worse oncological outcome.


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How to Cite

Jerónimo, A., Cavilhas, P., Oliveira, L., Montalvão, P., & Magalhães, M. (2011). CO2 laser surgery for the treatment of glottic cancer. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 49(4), 235–241.