Intranasal endoscopy diagnosing skull base pathology: A case of clivus chordoma


  • Cláudia Reis Interna Complementar do Serviço ORL do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • José Gameiro dos Santos Assistente Hospitalar Graduado do Serviço ORL do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Rosário Figueirinhas Assistente Hospitalar do Serviço ORL do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Telma Feliciano Assistente Hospitalar do Serviço ORL do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Cristina Ramos Assistente Hospitalar do Serviço Neurorradiologia do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Melo Pires Assistente Hospitalar do Departamento de Neuropatologia do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Cecília Almeida e Sousa Directora do Serviço ORL do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Porto, Portugal



Endonasal endoscopic technique, Clivus, Chordoma


The endonasal endoscopic technique is widely used in diagnosis and treatment of multiple nasosinusal pathology, but also a viable alternative to the conventional biopsy approaches to the skull base. According to the previous literature, the success rates are comparable or even better than the neurosurgical approaches, with lower morbidity, when performed by skilled surgeons and with a careful pre-operatory study. This study presents a clinical case of a neoplastic lesion of the clivus, accessed endoscopically, which biopsy revealed a chordoma, the most frequent intrinsic tumor of this skull base area.


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How to Cite

Reis, C., Gameiro dos Santos, J., Figueirinhas, R., Feliciano, T., Ramos, C., Pires, M., & Almeida e Sousa, C. (2011). Intranasal endoscopy diagnosing skull base pathology: A case of clivus chordoma. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 49(4), 293–297.



Case Report