Supragottitis: Clinical management


  • Marta Cardoso Interno do Internato Complementar de Otorrinolarigologia do Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal
  • Filipe Ramos Interno do Internato Complementar de Otorrinolarigologia do Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal
  • Jorge Araújo Assistente Hospitalar Graduado de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal
  • Eduardo Cardoso Assistente Hospitalar Graduado de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal
  • Margarida Santos Directora do Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal



supraglottitis, epiglottitis


Acute supraglottitis, which include acute epiglottitis, is a bacterial infection of the supraglottic structures that may result in a life-threatening upper airway obstruction, eventually fatal.

This study aims to study the clinical presentation and treatment in patients with infectious supraglottitis.

The clinical charts of patients who were admitted with supraglottitis diagnosis between the years of 2004 and 2009 were analized in a retrospective way.

Seventy-eight patients admitted with supraglottitis were studied, 56 (72%) men and 22 (28%) women. Mean age was 47,3 years. The most frequent symptoms were odinophagia (78%),dysphagia (67%) and dyspneia/estridor (42%). Thirty-one (40%) patients had fever on presentation and inflammatory signs were more prominent at epiglottis. Treatment included vigilance, antibiotics and corticosteroids (92%). The mean hospital stay was three days. One patient needed tracheostomy.

Symptoms at presentation in infectious disease of supraglottic structures can be various and their evolution can be potentially fatal. Diagnosis and treatment in time is important.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, M., Ramos, F., Araújo, J., Cardoso, E., & Santos, M. (2011). Supragottitis: Clinical management. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 49(3), 155–158.



Original Article