Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis with pulmonary extension


  • Olalla Castro Macía Residente Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI)
  • Ana Quintana Sanjuás Residente Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI)
  • Nieves Rodríguez Acevedo Adjunto Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI)
  • Estrella Pallas Pallas Adjunto Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI)
  • José Luís Fariña Conde Adjunto Hospital Xeral –Cíes (CHUVI)
  • Miriam Hamdan Zabarce Residente Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI)
  • Antonio Sinde Morón Servicio ORL Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI)



Cidofovir, pulmonary papillomatosis, laryngeal microsurgery, laser CO2, human papilloma virus


Introduction: Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis is a chronic disease that is characterized by the proliferation of benign exofitic lesions within the superior respiratory tract, most often in vocal cords. In about 30% of cases tends to spread to the inferior respiratory and digestive tracts.

Case Report: A 37 year old man was diagnosed with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis at age of five. Since then he has been undergone laryngeal microsurgery for 42 times with complementary adjuvant therapy with intron-A and cidofovir. Seven years ago the disease affected the pulmonary parenchima, a very uncommon complication that overshadows the evolution of the disease.

Discussion: This disease is often difficult to treat and control because of the recurrence and the extension to aerodigestive tract. At moment, there is no treatment to cure the papillomatosis. The laser CO2 with intralesional injection of cidofovir are currently the most used techniques.



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How to Cite

Macía, O. C., Sanjuás, A. Q., Acevedo, N. R., Pallas, E. P., Conde, J. L. F., Zabarce, M. H., & Morón, A. S. (2010). Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis with pulmonary extension. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 48(3), 149–153.



Case Report