Ethmoid squamous cell carcinoma: clinical case


  • Andrés Barrios Recio Medico Residente de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha
  • Tomás Esteban Sánchez Facultativo Especialista en Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha
  • Francisco J. Rodríguez Domínguez Facultativo Especialista en Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha
  • Javier Moraleda Deleito Medico Residente de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha
  • Ramsés Caraballo Polanco Medico Residente de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha
  • Ignacio Castaño Zapatero Facultativo Especialista en Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha
  • Juan Bautista Calero Del Castillo Jefe de Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitário Santa Maria Del Rosell, Cartagena, Espanha



Ethmoid carcinoma, inverted papiloma


The authors report a case of a patient of age 72, intervened of sinonasal polyposis in three times, which presented nasal respiratory insufficiency and anosmia. Outpatient study was conducted with diagnosis of sinonasal inverted papilloma recurrence, therefore intervenes again by endoscopic surgery. The pathological study revealed the presence of inverted papilloma in the right nostril and invasive squamous cell carcinoma in left nostril. Subsequently was performed a left ethmoidectomy by a transfacial aproach with a medial resection of the ipsilateral maxillary bone, and removal of medial and inferior orbital walls. Reconstruction was performed with titanium mesh.


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How to Cite

Recio, A. B., Sánchez, T. E., Domínguez, F. J. R., Deleito, J. M., Polanco, R. C., Zapatero, I. C., & Del Castillo, J. B. C. (2010). Ethmoid squamous cell carcinoma: clinical case. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 48(3), 159–162.



Case Report