Manifestations of lymphoma in the ORL area


  • Ana Quintana Sanjuás Residente Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha
  • Olalla Castro Macía Residente Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha
  • Miriam Hamdan Zavarce Residente Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha
  • Adela Pérez Carro-ríos Adjunto Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha
  • Isabel González Guijarro Adjunto Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha
  • Estrella Pallas Pallas Adjunto Hospital Xeral-Cíes (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha
  • Manuela Fontanillo Fontanillo Unidad Bioestadística (CHUVI), Servicio de ORL - Hospital Xeral-Cíes, Vigo-Pontevedra, Espanha



Lymphoma, nodal, extra nodal, Hodgkin's disease, head and neck


INTRODUCTION: Lymphomas are the second most common malignancy of the head and neck, and the leading cause of unilateral lymphadenopathy in young subjects. It may present as nodal or extranodal disease.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: a retrospective descriptive analysis of 20 new cases of cervico-facial lymphoma diagnosed between January 2000 and December 2007.

RESULTS: The mean age was: 61.7 (12-95) years. Most were non-Hodgkin lymphomas (17), including 3 extranodal and 14 nodal (7 tonsils, tongue base 1, 5 cavum, 2 larynx). Three cases were diagnose as Hodgkin lymphoma, all nodal. Seventeen patients were treated with chemotherapy, 1 with radiotherapy, and 2 no was treated. Overall average of 76 months. The IPI is related to patient survival (p = 0.0257).

DISCUSSION: A clear relationship between lymphomas and cervico-facial  area  exists.  We  must  always  take  lymphoma  as a possible diagnosis in lymph node lesions in Waldeyer's ring region.



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How to Cite

Sanjuás, A. Q., Macía, O. C., Zavarce, M. H., Carro-ríos, A. P., Guijarro, I. G., Pallas, E. P., & Fontanillo, M. F. (2010). Manifestations of lymphoma in the ORL area. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 48(1), 33–38.


