Synovial sarcoma of tonsillar origin. Report of a Case


  • Dres. Vicente Pino Rivero Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Campo Aranuelo, Badajoz, Espanha
  • Juan Coma Aragón Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Campo Aranuelo, Badajoz, Espanha
  • Manuel Gil Calero Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Campo Aranuelo, Badajoz, Espanha
  • David Sánchez García Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Campo Aranuelo, Badajoz, Espanha
  • Manuel Rodríguez Carmona Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Campo Aranuelo, Badajoz, Espanha
  • Frederico del Castillo Beneyto Jefe del Servicio de ORL del H.C.A., Hospital Campo Aranuelo, Badajoz, Espanha



Synovial sarcoma, tonsillectomy, radiotherapy


Sarcomas are a uncommon kind among the malignant tumors of oropharynx. We report the clinical case of a 44 years old male, without interesting antecedents, who related pharyngeal pain and odinophagia of several years evolution. The O.R.L. exploration revealed a smooth growth on the right tonsilar area with AP informed as Synovial Sarcoma after tonsillectomy. Then the patient was treated by Radiotherapy; he needed hospitalary admission because of it and required periodic controls with a biopsy of tonsilar hollow (informed as negative). After a follow-up more than 2 years and a half nowdays the neoplasm has not yet recurrence or metastasis at distance.


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How to Cite

Rivero, D. V. P., Aragón, J. C., Calero, M. G., García, D. S., Carmona, M. R., & Beneyto, F. del C. (2010). Synovial sarcoma of tonsillar origin. Report of a Case. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 48(1), 53–55.



Case Report