Sialorrea and oral aphtas as manifestation of hypereosinophilic syndrome. A clinical case and literature review


  • Vicente Pino Rivero Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología
  • Mónica Marcos García Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología
  • Juan Álvarez Domínguez Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología
  • Fernando Carrasco Claver Facultativo Especialista del Área de Otorrinolaringología
  • Maria Helena Mora Santos Médico Residente de O.R.L.
  • Eladio Rejas Ugena Jefe de Servicio O.R.L.



Hypereosinophilic syndrome, aphthas, angioedema, sialorrhea


The hypereosinophilic síndrome is a multisystem pathology characterized by peripheral blood eosinophilia and affectation of di!ferent organs like the heart, lung, skin and C.N.S. At E.N.T. level it can produce rhinitis, oral mucosal ulcerations (aphthas), angioedema and sialorrhea that are not criteria for the diagnosis of this illness.

We report the clinical case of a 64 years old male who su!fered pulmonary, cutaneous and medullar involvement. He was treated by chemotherapy and corticotherapy with good response and complete remission actually. We must suspect such a syndrome in recurrent mucosal ulcerations together or not with sialorrhea. The collaboration of Internal Medicine Service in the management of these patients is of utmost importance.


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How to Cite

Rivero, V. P., García, M. M., Domínguez, J. Álvarez, Claver, F. C., Mora Santos, M. H., & Ugena, E. R. (2009). Sialorrea and oral aphtas as manifestation of hypereosinophilic syndrome. A clinical case and literature review. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 47(3), 227–229.



Case Report