Aural rehabilitation through cochlear implant: Audiological, language, speech and voice assessment (preliminary study)


  • J. H. Martins Audiologista do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • M. Alves Terapeuta da fala do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • S. Andrade Médica do Internato Especialidade de ORL do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • J. Januário Audiologista do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • D. Ramos Terapeuta da fala do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • M. Ferreira Terapeuta da fala do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • H. Alves Terapeuta da fala do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • L. Silva Médico Especialista ORL do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE
  • C. Ribeiro Director de Serviço de ORL do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE



Aural Rehabilitation, Cochlear Implant


The aim of aural rehabilitation through cochlear implant is to develop or regain hearing perception in patients suffering severe to profound hearing loss. This method of rehabilitation is used in the ENT Department of Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, E.P.E. since 1992. Since then, the cochlear implant team has been committed to the improvement and development of assessment and intervention methodologies in this population, before and after the cochlear implant surgery.

How to Cite

Martins, J. H., Alves, M., Andrade, S., Januário, J., Ramos, D., Ferreira, M., Alves, H., Silva, L., & Ribeiro, C. (2008). Aural rehabilitation through cochlear implant: Audiological, language, speech and voice assessment (preliminary study). Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 46(4), 231–235.



Original Article