Folicular Thyroid Carcinoma synchronously to Primary Hyperparathyroidism A Case Report


  • Vicente Pino Rivero Facultativo Especialista del Área de O.R.L H.C.A.
  • Maria Elena Mora Santos Médico Residente de O.R.L C.H.U.B.A
  • Carlos G. Pantoja Hernández Médico Residente de O.R.L C.H.U.B.A
  • Fernando Carrasco Claver Médico Adjunto de O.R.L. C.H.U.B.A
  • José Manuel Pereda Tamayo Médico Adjunto de O.R.L. C.H.U.B.A.
  • Alfonso Ambel Albarrán Médico Adjunto de O.R.L. C.H.U.B.A
  • Federico Del Castillo Beneyto Jefe de Servicio H.C.A.



Primary hyperparathyroidism, folicular carcinoma


A rare case of synchronous folicular carcinoma and primary hyperparathyroidism is reported for a 43- years old female without interesting antecedents. Our patient suffered light hypercalcemias but notorious osteomuscular, lithiasis and digestive clinical symptoms. The presurgical imaging tests suggested the presence of a parathyroid adenoma with Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (F.N.A.B.) of right coloid goiter, so that we performed an right hemithyroidectomy at first place. The pathology report was parathyroid adenoma synchronously with folicular carcinoma. A few weeks after the initial surgery we completed the intervention by a left hemithyroidectomy that not showed another tumoral focus. In the postsurgical period a transitory hypocalcemia was noticed and required treatment with endovenous and oral calcium aport. Finally, the check-ups in consulting were normal with a follow-up of 8 years.

How to Cite

Rivero, V. P., Santos, M. E. M., Hernández, C. G. P., Claver, F. C., Pereda Tamayo, J. M., Albarrán, A. A., & Beneyto, F. D. C. (2008). Folicular Thyroid Carcinoma synchronously to Primary Hyperparathyroidism A Case Report. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 46(4), 273–275.



Case Report