Tuberculous Otomastoiditis. Case Report and Literature Revision


  • L. Díez Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • A. G. Prado Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • D. Sánchez Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • L. G. Guijarro Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • A. Perez-Carro Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • D. Alonso Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • G. Espiña Servicio de otorrinolaringología Hospital Xeral-Cíes
  • J. L. Rios Servicio de anatomía patológica Hospital Xeral-Cíes. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo



Tuberculous, otitis media


Tuberculous otitis media (TOM) is a rare cause of chronic suppurative infection, that occurs in less than 1% of chronic infections of the ear. The clinical findings are variable, so the index of suspicion is low and this will cause a delayed diagnosis and possible complications. Tuberculous otitis media should be considered in all cases of chronic supurative otitis media unresponsive to the usual therapies. A case report of a child and review of the literature are presented, emphasizing that early diagnosis and treatment of TOM can prevent the possible complications.

How to Cite

Díez, L., Prado, A. G., Sánchez, D., Guijarro, L. G., Perez-Carro, A., Alonso, D., Espiña, G., & Rios, J. L. (2008). Tuberculous Otomastoiditis. Case Report and Literature Revision. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 46(3), 203–206.



Case Report