Fungal chronic invasive sinusitis of the maxillary sinus by aspergillus
aspergiffosis, para nasal sinuses, maxilfary, nose, fungalAbstract
The diagnosis of fungai sinusitis is increasing due to a better knowledge of the disease and high number of patients with impaired inmunologic defense mechanism. The most common symptoms included purulent nasal discharges and nasal obstructions. The suspicion of aspergiffosis arises whenever a patient of chronic maxilfary sinusitis does not respond to the usual conservative therapy The diagnosis is mainly microscopic by identify of the chronic inflamation sinusal mucose and fungai hifas. Cuftures present a high percentage of false positives and negatives. The curative treatment is surgical removal of infected tissue. We report one case of aspergiffosis nasosinusal in a 71 year old male patient.