lnfections of the floor of the mouth


  • Sandra Regueiro Villarín Médico Residente de Otorinolaringologia Servizo de Otorinolaringoloxla, Complexo Hospitalano Juan Canalejo, A Coruña
  • Juan Carlos Vázquez Barro Facultativo Especialista de Área de ORL




Floor of the mouth, Odontogenic infection


ln the preantibiotic era, infections of the floor of the mouth were
frequently fatal; however, antibiotics and aggressive surgical intervention have significantly reduced mortality.

We reviewed 21 patients with infections of the ffoor of t he mouth
between January 1990 and March 2005. Dental problems were
present in 47,67%; pharyngotonsillar infection was present in
33,33% and in 19,04% of ali cases the cause wa s unknown. Two or more bacteria were iso/ate of purulent material in 38%.

Ali patients were treated with in travenous broad-spectrum antibiotics, and 61,90% needed surgical drainage. Tracheotomy was necessary in 38,09% o f the cases.

How to Cite

Regueiro Villarín, S., & Vázquez Barro, J. C. (2008). lnfections of the floor of the mouth. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 46(1), 27–30. https://doi.org/10.34631/sporl.298


