Synovial sarcoma of the parapharyngeal space. Update in diagnosis and treatment
synovial sarcoma, head and neck cancer, hypopharynx, cervical mass.Abstract
5ynovial sarcoma (SS) is a malignant mesenchymal tumour, whichmakes up to 10% of ali soft tissue sarcomas. lt most often affects
young adults and is commonly found in periarticular sites of the extremities.
SS may occur in other locations, including head and neck,
heart, abdominal wall, mediastinum, and lung. Synovial sarcomas
of the head and neck are rare, representing 10% of ali synovial
sarcomas, and are typically localising in the hypopharynx or parapharyngeal space. Two cases are presented, and both treatment and follow-up protocols are discussed.
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Ramón Moreno, L., Castro, D., Reyes Tejero, I. M., Benaixa, J. P., González-Pérez, J. M., Rodríguez-Sola, M., Medinilla, A., Allely, M. D., García Perla, A., & Esteban Ortega, F. (2008). Synovial sarcoma of the parapharyngeal space. Update in diagnosis and treatment. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 46(1), 45–48.
Case Report