Atypical solitary nasal polyp. Diagnosis and treatment by endoscopic nasosinusal surgery (ENSS)


  • Vicente Pino Rivero Facultativo Especialista de Otorrinolaringologia, Hospital Campo Arañuelo, Cáceres
  • David Sánchez García Facultativo Especialista de Otorrinolaringologia
  • Manuel Rodríguez Carmona Adjunto de ORL
  • Rafael Jorge Iglesias González Director Médico de H.C.A.
  • Federico del Castillo Beneyto Jefe de Servicio de O.R.L



Atypical Solitary Nasal Polyp, CT, Endoscopic Nasosinusal Surgery


We report an uncommon case of atypical solitary nasal polyp located on rhinopharynx-cavum without dependence of maxillary sinus, sphenoid or ipsilateral choana. The patient was a 69 years old male who went to Emergencies because of headache and, after making a craneofacial CT, it showed such tumoration with more than 4 cm of maximal dia meter. Due to a negative biopsy, he was operated by Endoscopic Nasosinusal Surgery (ENSS) with complete removal of the polypoid lesion which was histologically confirmed by anatomopathologic exam that descarted malignant signs. The last exploration by fibroscopy in our hospital was completely normal.

How to Cite

Pino Rivero, V., Sánchez García, D., Rodríguez Carmona, M., Iglesias González, R. J., & del Castillo Beneyto, F. (2008). Atypical solitary nasal polyp. Diagnosis and treatment by endoscopic nasosinusal surgery (ENSS). Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 46(1), 57–59.



Case Report