
  • José Carlos Neves Interno d o Internato Complemtor de ORL do Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia dos Hospitais do Universidade de Coimbra
  • Julian Rowe-Jones Rinologista e Cirurgião Plástico Facial. Royal Surrey County Hospital, Londres
  • Jorge Miguéis Assistente Graduado de ORL do Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra
  • Diogo de Paiva Director do Ser viço de Otorrinolaringologia d os Hospitais do Universidade de Coimbra



Saddle nose, Wegener's vasculitis, Rhynoplasty


INTRODUCTION : The Soddle nose is a nasal dysfunction, which results from the lack of structural support, observed mainly in its middle third. Wegener 's vasculitis is one of the causes, but not very common. We make a review of the formation mechanism of the saddle nose , with a special attention to the resulting processes of the Wegener's vasculitis. We present 3 cases of patients with Wegener's vasculitis submitted to Rhynoplosty.

PATIENTS ANO METHODS: We present 3 cases of saddle nose caused by Wegener's vasculitis. We discuss functional and aesthetic evaluation ond the surgical strategy adopted.

RESULTS: The 3 patients presented saddle nose, resulting from Wegener's vasculitis. After complete remission they were submitted to a rhinoplasty of augmentation. Conservative opproaches were made (intercartilaginous incision in 1 patient and a vertical incision in the columella in 2 patients) and grafts were used (conchal cartilage in 2 patients ond Silostic® in 1 patient). Photographs of pre ond post-OP are presented.

CONCLUSION: Wegener's vasculitis has specifity for the ENT territories. When it is not diagnosed early, complications may occur, such as saddle nose. lts correction is still a challenge to rhynoplasty.

How to Cite

Neves, J. C., Rowe-Jones, J., Miguéis, J., & de Paiva, D. (2006). SADDLE NOSE AND WEGENER’S VASCULITIS. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 44(1), 25–33.



Original Article