Anatomy and clinical relevance of the jugular foramen


  • Rita Rocha Interna de Formação Específica em Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE- Portugal
  • Francisco Monteiro Interna de Formação Específica em Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE- Portugal
  • Bruno Domingues Interna de Formação Específica em Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE- Portugal
  • Nuno Barros Lima Assistente Hospitalar de Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE - Portugal
  • Manuel Sousa Assistente Hospitalar de Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE - Portugal
  • Fernanda Castro Assistente Hospitalar de Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE - Portugal
  • Artur Condé Diretor do serviço de Otorrinolaringologia do CHVNGE - Portugal



skull base, jugular foramen, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, accessory nerve, Vernet syndrome


The jugular foramen is a hole in the base of the skull located in the posterior cranial fossa, between the occipital bone and the petrous portion of the temporal bone, which lies above and laterally to the foramen magnum. It is crossed by vascular and nervous structures of great clinical importance, and whose lesion results in clinical otorhinolaryngological manifestations, taking as a whole the designation of jugular hole syndrome or Vernet's syndrome.


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How to Cite

Rocha, R., Monteiro, F., Domingues, B., Barros Lima, N., Sousa, M., Castro, F., & Condé, A. (2019). Anatomy and clinical relevance of the jugular foramen. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 56(4), 155–160.