Benign sinonasal tumours: From diagnosis to treatment


  • Patrícia S. Gomes Hospital Senhora da Oliveira - Guimarães



Benign sinonasal tumors, endoscopic sinonasal surgery, histology, CT


Aim: Clinical, imaging and therapeutic characterization of Benign Sinonasal Tumours (BST).
Study Design: Retrospective study
Material and Methods: Review of clinical files of BST patients undergoing endoscopic sinonasal surgery (ESS) between 2011 and 2017.
Results: 32 patients with a mean age of 55.0±17.5 years were included. The most frequent BST were sinonasal papillomas (SP) (43.8%), followed by osteomas(31.3%). Symptoms included nasal
obstruction(87.5%), headache(37.3%), hyposmia(34.4%) and epistaxis(25.0%). There was excellent concordance between the histology of the biopsy and that of the surgical specimen(K=0.90).
SP presented both superior bone remodeling and Lund-Mackay score than other BST(p<0.01). ESS was associated with an external approach in 5 patients. Recurrence was observed in four SP and one hamartoma.
Conclusions: BST are uncommon and present significant morbidity if not diagnosed in a timely manner. Despite the increasing importance of ESS, the associated or isolated use of external approaches is essential, in selected cases, for complete tumour resection.


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How to Cite

Gomes, P. S. (2019). Benign sinonasal tumours: From diagnosis to treatment. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 56(4), 149–154.



Original Article