Changes in dentofacial development in tracheostomized pediatric patients
Pediatric tracheostomy, dentofacial disharmony, absence of nasal flowAbstract
Considering the known impact of the absence of nasal flow on dentalfacial growth, tracheotomy should be considered to have a negative impact in pediatric age. The aim of this study is to caracterize the dentofacial development in a population of tracheostomized children. A sample of 29 patients was obtained, and frontal, profile and intra-oral dental photographs taken, and analysed by a stomatologist. The median age at which tracheotomy was performed was 3 months old. The underlying reason was due to superior airway obstruction (SAO) 38%, low respiratory failure/prolonged ventilation (LRF/PV) in 31%, and syndromes involving craniofacial dysmorphia in 31%. Of the patients with syndromes, 56% had severe dentofacial disharmony (DFD), 22% moderate and 22% mild; with LRF/PV, 44% had mild DFD, 56% had no DFD; with SAO, 36% had moderate DFD, 18% mild DFD and 45% had no DFD. The results indicate a high incidence of abnormal dental harmony, varying in degree, among tracheostomized children at an early age.
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