Nosing beyond the stone age: deciphering nasal evolution from Neanderthals to modern Man




Fossil, Hominids, Nasal Cavity, Comparative Anatomy, Respiratory System, Biological Evolution, Cold Adaptation, Thermoregulation, Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens


Introduction: Neanderthals, our extinct relatives, exhibited distinct nasal morphology compared to Homo sapiens.

Objectives: This study explores these differences through a comparative analysis of cranionasal measurements.

Material and Methods: Data on Neanderthal nasal features were obtained from existing paleoanthropological literature, focusing on 16 hominid fossils. A parallel sample of 38 modern human CT scans was retrospectively reviewed, with measurements focusing on nasal region.

Results: Neanderthals displayed significantly larger nasal cavities with increased basion-nasion and basion-prosthion distances, wider intercanine dimensions, and larger nasal breadth and height compared to modern humans. Choanal width and nasal index did not differ significantly.

Conclusions: These findings suggest functional adaptations in Neanderthal nasal morphology, potentially aiding in thermoregulation within cold environments.  Further research is needed to fully understand the evolutionary significance of these adaptations.


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How to Cite

Alves de Sousa, F., Dias, J. I., Teixeira Carvalho, R., Serdoura Alves, C., Nóbrega Pinto, A., Santos, M., & Meireles, L. (2024). Nosing beyond the stone age: deciphering nasal evolution from Neanderthals to modern Man. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 62(3), 229–238.



Original Article