Is there any difference in the elderly population followed in the balance department? Comparative study between elderly and nonelderly with vestibular pathology
Elderly, Unsteadiness, Falls, Computerized Dynamic PosturographyAbstract
Objectives: To find out if the elderly population (≥65 years-old) with vestibular disorders is different from their younger peers and, secondarily, if Multitest Equilibre Posturography® is related to the occurrence of falls in the last year.
Study design: Retrospective study.
Material and Methods: We reviewed the clinical charts of 175 patients followed in the Balance Department, between January and December 2019. Patients were divided in two groups, according to the 65-year cut-off.
Results: Patients aged 65 years and over had fewer complaints of vertigo and more postural and visual-vestibular complaints compared to younger patients (p=0,005). The postural instability test (PII) in condition 5 was higher in the elderly (p=0,01). The occurrence of falls in the last year was correlated with the vestibular component of the SOT (p=0,01).
Conclusion: In the balance departement, the elderly population was distinct from the younger one.
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