Ludwig's Angina with superior mediastinitis of odontogenic origin: Case report




Ludwig's angina, necrotizing fasciitis, superior mediastinitis, odontogenic


Ludwig's angina is characterized by being an acute and severe infectious process, which consists of cellulitis of the cervical connective tissue. Its origin is usually polymicrobial, usually of dental origin. Due to its rapid evolution, it can reach facial spaces, spreading to the cervical region, and consequently obstructing the airways. Disease progression can reach the mediastinum, causing severe respiratory failure and possibly progressing to septic conditions, in which emergency measures such as tracheostomy and antimicrobial therapy are required for both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, in addition to anaerobes. This article presents a case of Ludwig's angina with evolution to mediastinitis in an 18-year-old male patient, treated at the Hospital e Pronto Socorro João Lúcio Pereira Machado - AM, with a clinical picture suggestive of Necrotizing Cervical Fasciitis of Odontogenic origin, of necessity the use of tracheostomy as an auxiliary control conduct.


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How to Cite

Neto, F. A. M., Ricci, M. A., Neto, J. A. B., Carvalho, B. L. da S., Aguiar, F. M., Fernandes, M. A., & Fernandes, R. F. de. (2022). Ludwig’s Angina with superior mediastinitis of odontogenic origin: Case report. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 60(2), 131–135.



Case Report