Tribute to two inescapable figures of Portuguese Otorhinolaryngology: Samuel Ruah and Carlos Ruah




Humanities, History of Medicine


Objectives: The purpose of this article is to review the career of two Portuguese ENTs, Dr. Samuel Allenby Bentes Ruah and Prof. Moisés Carlos Bentes Ruah, in the context of a donation from Dr. Samuel Ruah’s estate.

Study Design: Qualitative study

Material and Methods: An online search of all information available about Dr. Samuel Ruah and Prof. Carlos Ruah was performed. Afterwards, several interviews were conducted with persons of interest. Simultaneously, a partial cataloging of the donated collection was conducted.

Results: These two doctors have had careers of great renown: Dr. Samuel Ruah as Chief of Otolaryngology at Dona Estefânia Hospital, Prof. Carlos Ruah for his international projection, academic and research activities and both were illustrious ENTs in their private clinical practice.

Conclusions: Both are examples of service, dedication, sacrifice and excellency in Medicine and have inspired and continue to inspire us all to reach further beyond.


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– Monteiro L. A vida do Dr. Samuel Ruah e Prof. Carlos Ruah. [Entrevista pessoal, 7 de março]. Via Zoom, 2023 (não publicada)

– Ruah C. Entrevistado por: Rangel M. Raio-X Carlos Ruah. Raio-X. Canal S+. Disponível em:

– Ruah F, Ruah C. A vida do Dr. Samuel Ruah e Prof. Carlos Ruah. [Entrevista pessoal, 5 de março]. Via Zoom, 2023 (não publicada)

– Capucho C. A vida do Dr. Samuel Ruah e Prof. Carlos Ruah. [Entrevista pessoal, 4 de março]. Via Zoom, 2023 (não publicada)

– Spratley J. A vida do Dr. Samuel Ruah e Prof. Carlos Ruah. [Entrevista pessoal, 22 de fevereiro]. Via Zoom, 2023 (não publicada)

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– Soares, J. A. Carlos Ruah, Presidente de Honra do 69º Congresso. Jornal do 69º Congresso da SPORL-CCP. 05/2022. Pág. 6-8



How to Cite

Soares, T., Ricon Ferraz, A., & de Freitas Spratley, J. E. (2023). Tribute to two inescapable figures of Portuguese Otorhinolaryngology: Samuel Ruah and Carlos Ruah. Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 61(4), 437–444.



ORL History