Best paper prize for papers published vol. 61, no. 4, December, 2023
The best paper published in the edition nº 4, volume 61, December 2023 of the Portuguese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, was chosen through voting by the 18 members of the Scientific Council and the 61 members of the Journal's Editorial Board. A total of 23 votes were cast.
The best paper, with 12 votes, is “Use of platelet rich plasma in persistent olfactory dysfunction after COVID-19: a prospective study”, authored by: Francisco Alves de Sousa, André de Sousa Machado, Joana Raquel Costa, João Tavares Correia, Afonso Castro, Ana Nóbrega Pinto, Ana Silva, Mariline Santos, Luís Meireles.
The best paper, with 12 votes, is “Use of platelet rich plasma in persistent olfactory dysfunction after COVID-19: a prospective study”, authored by: Francisco Alves de Sousa, André de Sousa Machado, Joana Raquel Costa, João Tavares Correia, Afonso Castro, Ana Nóbrega Pinto, Ana Silva, Mariline Santos, Luís Meireles.